Author Archives: thetechn
GTmetrics - web performance
Rumba Dance Videos
Taylor Models
National Institute on Aging
National Cell Repository for Alzheimer's Disease: The benefits of Autopsy
This AMAZING Fact Proves Why American Democracy Is Totally Broken
GOP Wages War To Ruin The Internet Forever
Internet Archive
One more day
Alexandra Snowdon
Santa Theresa Tile Works
Bruce Lee Doesn’t Care If You Die If You Don’t Do This One Thing
3 Reasons why you should absolutely learn to code
Meet Edgar: the only app that stops social media updates from going to waste.
Why Zirtual’s Demise Makes Me Glad I Turned Down Millions in Funding to acquire Zirtual
Low FODMAP smartphone app
How to avoid energy vampires
Santa Theresa Tile Works
Send Hunger Packing
Painted Caligraphy
If my heart were a house
Jadedgold1 from - mosaics
Playing Classcraft Makes Classroom Management Easy!
The Retirement Gamble
Model Based Design
How we learned to move 5 times more quickly
ZetCode brings tutorials for programmers in various areas. The main are Graphical User Interfaces, databases, and programming languages. The website's mission is to provide competent, quick and easy to understand tutorials for modern-day technologies.
PostgreSQL Ruby tutorial written (August 2, 2015)
PostgreSQL C tutorial written (July 30, 2015)
GTK+ 2 tutorial cleaned and updated (July 20, 2015)
JavaFX tutorial written (June 26, 2015)
Java SWT tutorial cleaned and updated (June 5, 2015)
Advanced Java Swing e-book published (May 23, 2015)
Windows API cleaned and updated (March 26, 2015)
PyQt5 tutorial written (January 28, 2015)
Tcl tutorial cleaned and updated (January 25, 2015)
SQLite tutorial updated (November 18, 2014)
SQLite C tutorial written (November 12, 2014)
Arduino, JavaScript tutorial, Mono tutorial, PyGame tutorial, CSS tutorial, C tutorial, C++ tutorial, Firebird tutorial, PostgreSQL tutorial, JQuery tutorial, Python 3 tutorial, D tutorial, Apache Tomcat tutorial, Gambas tutorial, Java Games e-book, Advanced Qt e-book, Flex tutorial, Java Servlets tutorial, Java IO tutorial, LINQ tutorial, Ant tutorial, SQLAlchemy tutorial, AWK tutorial, Bash tutorial
Java 2D games tutorial
Data Structure Animations with Dr. Daniel Liang
Building Bridges - 3D Printing
Making Sprite-based Games with Canvas - html 5
Robots get a better grip, Google
Comp Sci at Google's New Portal
Cuba Rumba with Conan
A Neural Network in 11 lines of pyhton
Comp Sci MS online
Mastering Object-oriented Python
Practical Maya programming with Python
16 Common Python Runtime Errors Beginners Find
Las Ancestrales Cabezas De La Isla De Pascua
Una de las preguntas más frecuentes es donde esta la Isla de Pascua. La isla se encuentra ubicada en el extremo oriental del llamado Triángulo de la Polinesia, en el Océano Pacífico Sur, en la Latitud 27° 9′ 10” Sur, y la Longitud 109° 27′ 17” Oeste. El punto más cercano de la costa de Chile continental está a 3.526 Km de distancia y se sitúa a 2075 Km al oeste de las Islas Pitcairn y a 4.351 Km de Papeete (Tahití) al sudoeste, por lo que la Isla de Pascua es una de las tierras insulares habitadas más aisladas del mundo.