There goes summer 2019 into history’s dustbin. So long, you big weirdo! You were filled with superhero movies (one of which was the highest-grossing film of all time), Disney live-action films, failed comedies, and decent horror movies—all of which were overall kind of unsatisfying. (Thanks for Once Upon a Time . . . in Hollywood and The Farewell, though!)
As most of the summer’s worst entertainment impulses (looking at you, Men in Black: International) recede into the rearview, it is time to welcome with open arms the most creatively fruitful time of year. Autumn is when the Oscar contenders begin to sprout, when network TV returns with a suddenly awakened fury, and when an unwieldy number of must-listen albums drop.
In order to cut through the clutter, have a look at Fast Company’s guide to the most promising movies, shows, albums, and books coming your way in September. If you somehow manage to get bored with all these options, well, frankly that’s impressive.