Ever tried to explain entrepreneurship to your kid?
If so, you've probably hit at least a few roadblocks.
The truth is:
They aren’t getting these concepts in school.
And you know they only “half-listen” to Mom & Dad.
So as a parent, you lead by example…
...you show them what it means to be open-minded and committed to learning and growing.
They pick up on that, you hope.
...but then, something like this happens:
It’s a normal day, after school…
You always take a break from work when she comes home.
You're wiping the counter...
The chili's in the slow-cooker...
You watch her eating a fruit-leather snack at the table.
Then, seemingly out of the blue, she looks up at you, totally innocently...
She says: “Hey Mom, who’s your boss?”
You’re dumbfounded. The cloth drops from your hand.
You’ve explained this to her so many times.