Ubuntu quick notes

From: Computer Beginner's Guides
Terminal: CTRL+ALT+T keys simultaneously

Once the Termina launches, type this command and then hit the ENTER key:


The ifconfig command will generate an output with a great deal of information.

Fortunately, most of it is useful. The “eth0″ refers to the first Ethernet connection on your system. The “indet addr” displays your system’s IP address, while “Mask” shows the subnet mask. “HWaddr” shows your Ethernet adapter’s MAC (Media Access Control) address, which is (theoretically) unique to each adapter. (Some wireless networks require you to supply your MAC address before allowing your system to connect.)

To find the MAC address:

ifconfig | grep HWaddr


Yonatan Attali

The way, way down:
Now if you listen closely
My story I will tell
The way I started good
And then fell in the well
I made all the right choices
Not one of them was wrong
But when I looked behind me
I saw a hurting throng

I started out a good man
It wasn’t bad at first
I helped all the people
Who needed me the most
I later met some people
Who hurt me once or twice
And I decided that
Revenge is rather nice

I made all the right choices
Not one of them was wrong
I didn’t even notice
That I had hurt someone
It turned out rather well
At least for you and me
And as for all the others
Who even gives a *bleep*

The Dollhouse:
The minds of men lack mirrors, they tend towards the soft
And your malleability has begun to make me scoff
Think hard now on a fallen man: would you help him stand back up?
Or would you walk like all the others past him with their noses up.

I ask you this because, not one of you is sane
All you crazy humans, with souls gone down the drain.
You follow those who lead, not questioning at all
Your flesh is not a cotton filler; a person’s not a doll.

Do you know your leader? Have you seen him face to face?
Would he help you stand back up, if you were in a fallen place
Follow up from your wrists, follow up the length of string
Recognize the puppeteer to be a person or a thing

Let me get back to my point, the reason we are here
Will you follow the Thing, or make your life sincere?

StdIn.java notes

public static void main(String[] args) {
final double G = 6.67 * Math.pow(10,-11);
final double T = Double.parseDouble(args[0]);
final double DELTAT = Double.parseDouble(args[1]);

String tablePlanet = "mercury";

int numPlanets = Integer.parseInt(StdIn.readString());
double universeRadius = Double.parseDouble(StdIn.readString());