ROS wiki - installation + Tutorials 1 & 2 by Justin Huang


  1. ROS indigo Installation tutorial: (*NOTE: make sure to first update dpkg(sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install dpkg), as the original version of Ubuntu Trusty does not support LZMA archives in debian pkgs)
  2. Note, in order for ROS turtlebot simulator to work, it is recommended that you install ubuntu 14.04 and ROS indigo.
  3. Turtlebot installation (if you use VM, and turtlebot gazebo gets blank screen, you can try disabling 3D acceleration)
  4. Complete Ubuntu, ROS, TurtleBot installation and getting started walkthrough in video:
  5. Catkin workspace tutorial series: (this simplifies the compile environment for ROS programming, I highly recommend it)
  6. ROS basics - how to write a ROS publisher and subscriber:
  7. Python tutorial:
  8. ROS and Arduino tutorial series:
  9. 2D Lidar simulation -

Turtlebot Learning Tutorials:

  1. ROS Simulation Getting Started Tutorial

See the simulated turtlebot in Gazebo.

  1. Setup and Teleoperate Simulated Robot

Cruise around in the Gazebo world and use RViz to "see" what's in it.

  1. Autonomous Map Building and navigation Tutorial

Use the navigation stack to create a map of the Gazebo world and start navigation based on it. This tutorial shows you how to use its SLAM (gmapping) package to build a map, and then autonomously navigate from point A to point B

Theory and Algorithm:

  1. PID controller theory:
  2. A star algorithm:

ROS Cheat Sheet:
